Cuilcagh Lakelands Geopark Honoured Award for best event in County Fermanagh

Published: 13 February 2024

Cuilcagh Lakelands UNESCO Global Geopark was awarded best event in County Fermanagh at the National Heritage Week Award ceremony. The Geopark was honoured this award for its ‘Explore Early Christian Heritage at Benaughlin’ event, delivered in August 2023, showcasing the beauty of Benaughlin mountain while sharing information on the areas of Christian Heritage.

The National Heritage Week Awards honour events and projects in every county across the island of Ireland, recognising the best events in each county where individuals, community groups, charities and other groups have created and run events to ensure the preservation and promotion of Ireland’s natural, built and cultural heritage.

Delivered by long time Geopark Guide, Andy King, ‘Explore Early Christian Heritage at Benaughlin’ showcased the prehistoric stone monuments along with an early Christian standing stone at Benaughlin mountain. Andy also shared many stories of Benaughlin, which have been passed down for generations, of the many myths and legends including white horses and fairy Kings.

To find out more about the heritage that was showcased at this event, visit Notes From the Field, a blog written by Barney Devine: Both Barney Devine and Andy King worked together to develop this award-winning event.

Follow the Geopark on social media @cuilcaghlakes or visit its website for details on upcoming events.

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