Have your voice heard for the new Conservation Management Plan for Cuilcagh Mountain SAC

Published: 8 March 2022

Do you live, work, own land, or enjoy walking or hiking in the Cuilcagh Mountain SAC? The CANN project is a cross-border environment project that has been working on Cuilcagh for the last three years carrying out practical conservation works. CANN are developing a plan which will guide the management of Cuilcagh for healthy habitats and wildlife into the future. These meetings are an opportunity to have your say and have a real input into the plan.

9th March @ 7-8.30pm: Online Consultation Session – Register here: https://bit.ly/3BAWQdt

15th March @ Tully Mill Hall/Largeness Centre. Drop-in between 3pm – 7pm to chat to CANN staff in person.

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