Winter Weather – Lough Navar Scenic Drive Closure

Published: 12 December 2022

Winter Weather & Lough Navar Scenic Drive Closure

Winter had certainly arrived across the Geopark over the past few days with most of us walking up to a very typical Christmas Card scene this morning and due to the icy / wintry conditions, the Lough Navar Scenic Drive has been closed.

At this time of year, weather conditions can change and deteriorate rapidly and that is without factoring in the decreases in temperature when we climb to higher elevations.  So although the Lough Navar Scenic Drive is closed there are still 210km of other walking trails waiting to be explored and to help you stay safe while you enjoy the countryside and our elevated trails in particular, such as the Cuilcagh Boardwalk Trail, here are a few pointers to think about based on some great guidance from our colleagues at Mountaining Ireland:

  • Winter brings shorter days and rapidly changing weather. Plan your day out and always tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return.
  • Good waterproofs and a layered clothing system are essential
  • A good boot is essential in winter
  • Plan your route so you finish with daylight to spare. Winter brings shorter days and rapidly changing weather. Plan your day out and consider an escape route that will allow you to shorten your day if its taking longer than you planned.
  • Wind, rain, low cloud, snow, or ice can all be experienced in winter and sometimes all in the one day. Remember temperatures decrease and wind speed increases as you move uphill. Make sure to check the weather forecast regularly.
  • Be sure to bring enough Snacks, drinks and warm drinks for the duration of the walk

To find out more about our Geopark sites and recreational trails Click here

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